STULZ CompTrol
STULZ' innovative CompTrol is designed to take the controlling of your airconditioning units to a whole new level.
Comfortable climate - tailored to your needs. Regardless of whether you use control technology in your building or not - your needs and wishes are the starting point when it comes to central control of your Mitsubishi Heavy Industries VRF systems.

Product Overview
The STULZ Comptrol
STULZ CompTrol makes airconditioning systems, including VRF systems from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, more efficient, safer and more flexible. For decades, STULZ has been developing and individualizing climate solutions that are used worldwide. Thanks to this experience, we know that the use of airconditioning systems with the help of modern control and regulation technology is even more efficient, more comfortable and safer.
For example with hardware and software from the STULZ CompTrol series. Continuous remote monitoring, makes it possible to detect faults at an early stage. In addition to central control and monitoring, CompTrol can also take over registration of the energy costs from you. The modular series offers a suitable system for every task - from the local individual solution to integration into existing management systems for buildings.
- CompTrol 4Web is already compatible with e-CompTrol
- Sequencing - Create redundancy circuit, such as emergency switching and running time setting.
- Modbus TCP Gateway for integration into BMS.
- Practical information about malfunctions via email. With it contains the alarm history, date and error code.
- Automatic temperature measurement
- Simple installation without special internet knowledge
- Energy cost distribution
- System parameter readout and trend development
- And many more
You can find additonal techinal data in the download section.
More information?
Download the STULZ CompTrol brochure and configuration software.
All details concerning the STULZ CompTrol series
e-Comptrol: The smart solution
By using the smart e-CompTrol controllers, our climate systems control themselves easily and comfortably, monitor and manage your airconditioning systems over the internet. You can choose between the CompTrol ZLT* and CompTrol 4Web.
*The CompTrol ZLT will be compatible to e-CompTrol very soon.

Discover the CompTrol ZLT
Discover the CompTrol 4Web
Discover the CompTrol Interface Master
An all-in-one solution for Corendon Mangrove Beach Resort in Curaçao
In addition to supplying eight ClimaPac air handling units and more than 500 comfort airconditioning units from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, STULZ has delivered the controlling technology for the airconditioning units.